Sunday 3 August 2008

Walking with God

I always liked the idea of walking with God like Enoch. I was enchanted by the story that he walked and talked with God and that he was so close to Him that the Lord carried him to heaven without him dying. As a boy I would want an intimacy with God like that. I wanted to be Enoch.

There is something in the beginning of the book, "Walking with God" by John Eldridge, that is similar to something that I just read in a brochure, "How to Believe" by Steve Brown at Key Life: "We assume that because we believe in God, and because He is love, that he is going to give us a happy life.... Notice your feelings of abandonment betraying / denying the faith when life doesn't turn out well. Notice that frequently you feel like God is not so close or involved, that he doesn't pay attention to your life." Steve says that frequently, we are trying to make Him notice .... Stephen says that frequently, we try to make deals with God like: I will trust you if you will give me a happy life, and healthy family, enough or a lot of money, a house of my own, children who behave well and don't end up using alcohol or drugs, a spouse that meets my needs - a happy marriage, or remaining in the U.S. without papers and without being discovered and returned to Mexico.

But, in any case, we need the Lord, intimacy with Him, His forgiveness, and life that only comes from Him. And as David said in Psalm 63: 3, 5: "Because your love is better than life, my lips shall praise you.... My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of banquets."

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