Sunday 3 August 2008

Listening to God´s Voice

I just finished reading a little from ¨Walking with God¨ by John Eldridge. Already I like the book. Its purpose is to help Christians see that they need to listen to God´s voice, make sure that it agrees with the Bible, and how to listen to His voice. He observed that it takes practice to hear His voice, but it is valuable to learn how, because we receive love, joy, and peace when we draw near to God, the Holy Spirit. For example, it takes time, rest, quiet, and focusing our minds on Him, His words, and His voice in order to hear Him.

I just tried walking and talking with God again at eleven-thirty at night. Everything was peaceful and it seemed like I could hear His voice in my head, similarly to the manner in which I have heard in the past. Only this time, it seems like He continues talking almost all of the time during my walk. I tried something suggested by John Eldridge, that is, to ask God questions and then to listen for the answers. I had to be patient because it seemed like God wanted to continue talking a lot without stopping. Much of what He said to me was encouraging me that He loves me. I am more sure that it is God speaking when He says things taught in the Bible that I have a difficult time believing.

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