Sunday 3 August 2008

Our Relationships

Do you manage and repair your relationships on your own? I do. It makes since, doesn´t it? After all, we have a need for relationships, intimacy, friendships, deep connections. Why not try to develop them? And truly, we need to attend to the details of our relationships, to treat others correctly, to put others first.

I have been learninng that what Jesus wants is for me to trust Him with this. He wants me to speak with Him about it, saying everything that is in my heart - the feelings, the desires, the dreams, the concerns. Then he wants for me to give it all to him to guard, consider, formulate, and arrange. What he requires is that I confide in Him. I need to trust that He has my best interests in His heart, that He knows better than me what I need, what I need to learn, what others need, and what I can provide to them.

This is especially important with romantic relationships. Because God knows my needs, strengths, and weaknesses better than I do; and He knows those of every woman also. And He knows better than E-Harmony or other websites who is the best for me and for whom I am best. But possibly most important of all, I need to trust Him with the daily and weekly interactions. It is difficult for me. Probably it is difficult for some of you as well. We like to manage what is most important to us, and this is extremely important to everyone.

Yesterday I read in ¨Grace for the Moment, Volume I¨ by Max Lucado, March 27, The Priority of God: ¨God is committed to supply our needs. Peter tells us that the man that doesn´t provide for his own is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Th 5:8) How much more will a holy God care for his children? After all, how can we complete his mission if our necessities aren´t covered? How can we teach, minister, or influence if our basic needs are not satisfied? Will God enlist us in his service and not provide what we need to do it? Of course not. ¨I request that the God of peace might give to you all what is necessary in order that you can do what He wishes.¨ Hebrews 13:20. Haven´t He received this prayer request in our life? Perhaps we haven´t had a feast, but haven´t we always had food? Perhaps you haven´t had a banquet, but at least you had bread. And much of the time you had a banquet.

And March 28, he ends finished concerning being children of God: ¨... more significant than whatever title or position, it is the simple fact that you are a child of God. And really we are children. By the way, if anything is important to you, it is also important to God.¨ It reminds me of the verse in Peter which says, ¨Throw all of your cares on Him because He care for you.¨ And His love for us is the reason that we can trust in Him totally.

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