Sunday 3 August 2008

I thank Jesus Christ for water, food, and life, light, and truth, direction, orientation, and guidance

Recently, I saw a song with the title, "Pan, Agua, y Luz" (Bread, Water, and Light). Well, I remembered the title of the blog and actually thought of changing my title to what appears above. But instead I thought better of it, that it would be confusing to change the title at this point and to make it so long. So I thought that this would be best: to make the title into a post and to propose it in the post.

The song is correct: Jesus is not only our source of life, but also our source of light and guidance, like our leader and captain. Like sheep, we are supposed to follow him with faith, almost like we are blind, and in large part we are. It reminds me of one of my grandmother´s favorite verses which she shared with me when she gave me my first Bible when I was about five years old, Proverbs 3:5,6 ¨Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, confide in Him, and He will direct your paths.¨ It also reminds me of another, John 14:6, ¨Jesus answered, ´I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.´¨ From the last verse, we are able to say not only that Jesus is the life - which would leave out important information, because it is not enought to have life. We also need guidance in this life (on earth). And He is not only a light (the Truth), but also the Way (our orientation and direction). So, when we arrive at Jesus, we need to come to Him not only for the water of life and because He is the source of life, but also to trust Him for light and guidance, because as blind and lost sheep we need truth, orientation and direction from Him as well. I need it, you need it, we all need it.

Not only is Jesus Christ our Way to the Father, to God, but also He is the One who hows us the sure path of Life, each and every day of our lives.

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