Sunday 3 August 2008

1 John 4:9, 10

1 John 4:9,10

These two verses are a wonderful synopsis of the gospel:
9 God came to us in our world. (Christmas)
10 God died for us, died as the propitiation for our sins. (Passover)

First, he presents the motivation: God loves us.
Second, the manifestation: He sent His only begotten Son into the world.
Third, the deep desire of God which drove Him to come and became His purpose in coming to earth: so that we might live through Him.
Fourth, the method: He sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Further, there is a progression here that is beautiful: God love us -> He sent His only Son into the world -> (further detail, going deep into God’s heart) He wants us strongly (not unlike a man wanting to marry a particular woman) so that we might live through Him -> (further detail, so that with the full explanation, we can understand the cross) He came to be the propitiation for our sins. And we have not one, but three persons who love us like that: the Father who sent Him, the One who came and died, and the Holy Spirit who wants to be with us so much that He will stay living in us after we trust Christ, even though we still sin and even though to live in our bodies will result in Him receiving further persecution (like Christ) whenever we are persecuted.

You are wanted by God. He doesn´t need you. But He does want you.

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