Sunday 3 August 2008

I have so much thirst: I thank Jesus Christ for Water, Food, and Life.

When I arrived at the ministry in Florence, I introduced myself as Evaristo, the name that I picked I learned Spanish in high school. As I was introducing myself, I thought that "Evaristo" is a Greek name - ευχαριστώ (pronounced ¨efaristó¨). It affected me a lot because in Greek, the word means "I thank" or "thank you". In fact, it is the same word used at times for the Lord's supper: in English, "the eucharist". Then, I valued more my name in Spanish because I know that it means "I thank". And as 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ concerning you all." So my name ought to remind me to be thankful to God.
So, the title of this blog means: Be thankful to Jesus Christ for giving us water, food, and life. In this way, the Scriptures refer to Isaiah 55, John 4, and John 7, where we see the picture of grace and mercy as God gives us food and water liberally, without cost.

Also, the address of the blog on the internet is "¨ which means that I have a lot of thirst for God and that he provides it to me. In fact, all people have so much thirst for a relationship with God, but not every person feels the thirst as 'thirst for God'. Rather we usually hunt with the aim of filling the emptiness with other things and other relationships. But with or without the other relationships, we need a personal relationship with God in order to fill our void. On the other hand, it also means that God offers to each and every person of the world pardon, eternal life, love as in being known, understood, and accepted totally and completely, and being filled in the empty places in our souls.

I hope that you are encouraged by this blog and that it may be a help to your life and your relationship with God.

Howard Greene

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