Sunday 3 August 2008


1) I have heard it said in the past, back around 1975, that this church has much in common with the church in the United Status today. I think that it is true, and even more true today than back then. Of the messages to the churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3, this one we need to listen to very carefully. And it is increasingly the message for the entire developed world: western Europe, the United States, Canada, the rich nations of Arabia (like Kuwait, UAE, etc.). But from some of the things said, we can see that it is addressed to the supposed believers of the time, those who identified with the church or said that they were His people. In addition, it gives an idea of how the whole culture needs to be approached because the entire culture is affected by these same things – in fact, this shows that Jesus knew ahead that His church would be affected greatly by the culture of the times in which they lived, and this one fits well with the age in which we live and in which we have been living for almost the past 75 years.
2) It is interesting that He mentions eyesalve. It is frequently noted that Laodicea had a prominent business of producing a salve for the eyes that was reknowned in its day. Is it coincidence or another evidence of the prophetic accuracy of our Lord that this message also hits the mark because we increasingly see the ability to improve our eyesight, even without the use of glasses, and to prevent vision loss from various diseases that were previously devastating to our sight? We have spectacles for anybody, contacts for most, LASIK and other refractive surgeries for those who really want to become contact and spectacle free, and now we even have intraocular lenses that work like bifocals available at the time of cataract surgery. Amazing. We have injections to delay and frequently stop the forces which take vision from those with diabetes and macular degeneration. But none will ever be greater than Jesus healing the sight of many people during His time on earth, with a word, with a touch; including the man in John 9 for whom He healed the well-set vision-robbing forces of his previously occurring amblyopia, probably caused by cataracts, but at least by severe refractive error (severe myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism).
3) It is so easy to look at this passage and think that it is for them: those who lived in Laodicea at the time of its writing; the unbelievers of our own era; the nominal Christians of our time, who go to church but don’t believe in a risen Christ who is God in the flesh, now ruling over all with the Father – or who believe in Christ but don’t go to church. But it is written to us as well. And if we, who have been molded by our own times (after all, we also wear contacts and get LASIK done. We have houses and cars, computers and IPODs, cell phones and text messaging too.) And so, we have a tendency to think that we are rich, well-off, and have need of nothing. But we, like them, are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked - spiritually. At the very least, we should be like Daniel, who righteous as he was, identified himself with the sins of his generation, and even with the generations that went before him.
4) Isn’t it interesting how God found seven churches which addressed the world, and even further, the world down through the ages – and all of them were located in Asia Minor in the first century. That says that the more things change, the more they stay the same. That says that God was right in Ecclesiastes. It says that “history repeats itself” has some merit. And it says that Asia Minor was a society of amazingly variety. Finally, it shows how omniscient God is, that he knew and “found” the example churches that let Him talk both to them in their day, and to the church in various times in various places.
5) Lastly, I note that the author of this passage is both the Spirit (vs 22) and Jesus (vs 14).

Discussion of the verses:
1) v 15, 16: I know your deeds (omniscience). You are neither cold nor hot (you don’t care about having a relationship with Me. It’s like I don’t exist. You don’t love Me – else you would give Me attention. But you won’t even give Me the attention of being “cold”. It’s like My “church” doesn’t need Me or connection to Me, the One by whose name it and they are called.
2) Because they are neither cold nor hot, because they are apathetic and couldn’t care less, He will reject them (spit or vomit them out of His mouth) like lukewarm water.
3) When in v 17 He quotes them as asserting that they are rich and wealthy and have need of nothing, it is a comparison with the verses above (15, 16) – they (we) think that we don’t need Him; that we don’t have needs that we cannot meet with / by our own smarts, strength, will, and money. We can exist on our own – without God; without God’s help.
The corollary is that which follows: “you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.” They (we) don’t see that we are sinners, that we are sad and lonely, that our depression stems from not getting our needs met by going to Him with humble hearts that respectfully ask for Him to meet our needs. We don’t see how poor we really are; that we are blind and naked. Our eyesalve is not taking care of it – we need His. We need sight that only He can give.
4) So in v 18 He gives another corollary: He gives us wise advise: buy from Him (reminiscent of the start of Isaiah 55). Buy gold refined by fire (expensive, where will we get the money – it’s free, by grace) that we may become truly rich. Buy white garments (we can’t afford these either, nor can we make them) that you may be clothed and not be naked. And finally, that we buy His eyesalve, that we may see (because we are obviously blind to our need and to the fact that He is the only One who can meet all of our needs (some directly, some indirectly).
5) We might easily disbelieve or even take offense at verse 19. But Jesus is gentle in v 19 to say: “I love you”. But He does it in a kind of back-handed way: “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; be zealous therefore, and repent. This is reminiscent of Hebrews 12:3-11, taken in part from Proverbs 3:11, 12. ¨For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin; and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, ¨My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by Him; for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives.¨ It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live? For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.¨ In the same way, in Revelation 3, church after church receives the discipline of the Lord, including (or especially) the church in Laodicea. And it is all meant for their good.
6) Verse 20 is probably the most famous verse of the first three chapters of Revelation: ¨Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me.¨ In the Greek it reads, ιδοὐ ἐστηκα επἰ τἠν θὐραν καἰ κροὐω εἀν τις ακοὐση τἠς φωνἠς μου καἰ ανοἰξη τἠν θὐραν, εισελεὐσομαι πρὀς αυτὀν καἰ δειπνἠσω μετ' αυτοὐ καἰ αυτὀς μετ' εμοὐ. The wording translates from εισελεὐσομαι πρὀς αυτὀν, 'I will come in to him'. It is significant in several ways: a) it indicates that most or all of this church were not well-connected to Christ; b) it shows that Christ is continually seeking to connect with them (us); c) it demonstrates that each of us individually has a need and responsibility to answer the knock of Christ - that He does not force His way into anyone's heart - we must open up to Him if we want to connect with Him, converse with Him, relate to or have a relationship with Him.
7) Verse 21, as with the other churches, talks about overcoming. Overcoming what? The barriers to relationship with and approval from God through Jesus Christ. In the case of Laodicea, the challenge is to realize there desperate spiritually poor condition and hear His knock, and open the door to receive His help. In another sense, it is to understand their plight and to buy from iJesus gold, white (unsoiled, clean, pure) garments, and eyesalve (so that they might see). It strikes me as strange that He says that they (we) should buy gold from Him. If we aren't rich, how are we to buy this gold. The gracious answer is again seen in Isaiah 55 - "You who have no money come, buy, and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost." In that there is an emphasis on grace here, this must have been (must be) a church which was getting away from God's grace and our need for His grace.
8) The reward, as with the other churches, is salvation. He is writing with promise of salvation and rewards. It appears that several of the churches are addressed as if the "reward" is their salvation - as if their connection to the Lord by faith is not fully established yet. They may be in the church (physically) but not yet in it (spiritually).
9) Verse 22 has the familiar "heads up", He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. which is said to each of the churches and is reminiscent of what Jesus said frequently while on earth, along with His, "Verily, verily" or "Truly, truly" (or in Aramaic/Hebrew - "Amen, amen" or "Faithful, faithful") and His "He who has an ear, let Him hear." So we have it confirmed that it really is Jesus who is speaking here.

Since the order of arrangement of the churches places Laodicea last, we may well wonder what's next? Is Christ's return imminent? It certainly makes sense and we should not be surprised if we see other signs of His soon return to become evident.

How Do We Learn to Love?

Steve Brown of Key Life Ministries has a wonderful message from John 15:1-7:
In order to learn to love, we need:

1) A supernatural capacity to love. (the Holy Spirit)
2) A model and teacher to teach us to love (Jesus)
3) A friend who loves us
4) A refuge of love

Steve often says: ¨You can´t love until you´ve been loved; and then you can only love to the extent that you have been loved.¨

Interesting to think about. I can see that although when we first trust in Christ we are given the Holy Spirit who can love through us even when we wouldn´t naturally; and Jesus who ¨loved us to the cross¨ is a great model and His teachings are great instruction in loving; yet we still need human friends who love us now, while we live on earth. And of course, we need God, the never-ending stream of love, who wants us, cares about us, is ¨crazy¨ about us, and never quits loving us.

It´s a lot like the song, ¨Nature Boy¨, sung by Natalie Cole : ¨the greatest thing you´ll ever learn is to love and to be loved in return¨. And I would add, as Steve would likely say, "I'm still learning," ; or as Paul said in Philippians 3, "I haven't arrived yet."

1 John 4:9, 10

1 John 4:9,10

These two verses are a wonderful synopsis of the gospel:
9 God came to us in our world. (Christmas)
10 God died for us, died as the propitiation for our sins. (Passover)

First, he presents the motivation: God loves us.
Second, the manifestation: He sent His only begotten Son into the world.
Third, the deep desire of God which drove Him to come and became His purpose in coming to earth: so that we might live through Him.
Fourth, the method: He sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Further, there is a progression here that is beautiful: God love us -> He sent His only Son into the world -> (further detail, going deep into God’s heart) He wants us strongly (not unlike a man wanting to marry a particular woman) so that we might live through Him -> (further detail, so that with the full explanation, we can understand the cross) He came to be the propitiation for our sins. And we have not one, but three persons who love us like that: the Father who sent Him, the One who came and died, and the Holy Spirit who wants to be with us so much that He will stay living in us after we trust Christ, even though we still sin and even though to live in our bodies will result in Him receiving further persecution (like Christ) whenever we are persecuted.

You are wanted by God. He doesn´t need you. But He does want you.

I thank Jesus Christ for water, food, and life, light, and truth, direction, orientation, and guidance

Recently, I saw a song with the title, "Pan, Agua, y Luz" (Bread, Water, and Light). Well, I remembered the title of the blog and actually thought of changing my title to what appears above. But instead I thought better of it, that it would be confusing to change the title at this point and to make it so long. So I thought that this would be best: to make the title into a post and to propose it in the post.

The song is correct: Jesus is not only our source of life, but also our source of light and guidance, like our leader and captain. Like sheep, we are supposed to follow him with faith, almost like we are blind, and in large part we are. It reminds me of one of my grandmother´s favorite verses which she shared with me when she gave me my first Bible when I was about five years old, Proverbs 3:5,6 ¨Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, confide in Him, and He will direct your paths.¨ It also reminds me of another, John 14:6, ¨Jesus answered, ´I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.´¨ From the last verse, we are able to say not only that Jesus is the life - which would leave out important information, because it is not enought to have life. We also need guidance in this life (on earth). And He is not only a light (the Truth), but also the Way (our orientation and direction). So, when we arrive at Jesus, we need to come to Him not only for the water of life and because He is the source of life, but also to trust Him for light and guidance, because as blind and lost sheep we need truth, orientation and direction from Him as well. I need it, you need it, we all need it.

Not only is Jesus Christ our Way to the Father, to God, but also He is the One who hows us the sure path of Life, each and every day of our lives.

Depending on God for Everything

It has been a few days since I put a post on the blog. While I have become divorced and am now going through the process of mediation for the financial settlement, I find that more than ever I need to trust in God about Him supplying my needs, whether or not I can keep my house, my relationships with others, and how I can help my daughter to attend a seminary while paying significant alimony to my ex and support to my son who is in his senior year of high school.

Well, we have conference in our Hispanic Church this weekend. It takes more time that a usual week. So, although I had a good time with my friends from North Carolina, speaking and eating in Spanish, I have had a difficult time this week. I hope that the Lord can give me a new relationship with the person with whom I am able to be a friend that stays closer than a sister - but meanwhile I should depend on God to provide all of my needs, even the emotionally intimate ones.

Listening to God´s Voice

I just finished reading a little from ¨Walking with God¨ by John Eldridge. Already I like the book. Its purpose is to help Christians see that they need to listen to God´s voice, make sure that it agrees with the Bible, and how to listen to His voice. He observed that it takes practice to hear His voice, but it is valuable to learn how, because we receive love, joy, and peace when we draw near to God, the Holy Spirit. For example, it takes time, rest, quiet, and focusing our minds on Him, His words, and His voice in order to hear Him.

I just tried walking and talking with God again at eleven-thirty at night. Everything was peaceful and it seemed like I could hear His voice in my head, similarly to the manner in which I have heard in the past. Only this time, it seems like He continues talking almost all of the time during my walk. I tried something suggested by John Eldridge, that is, to ask God questions and then to listen for the answers. I had to be patient because it seemed like God wanted to continue talking a lot without stopping. Much of what He said to me was encouraging me that He loves me. I am more sure that it is God speaking when He says things taught in the Bible that I have a difficult time believing.

Our Relationships

Do you manage and repair your relationships on your own? I do. It makes since, doesn´t it? After all, we have a need for relationships, intimacy, friendships, deep connections. Why not try to develop them? And truly, we need to attend to the details of our relationships, to treat others correctly, to put others first.

I have been learninng that what Jesus wants is for me to trust Him with this. He wants me to speak with Him about it, saying everything that is in my heart - the feelings, the desires, the dreams, the concerns. Then he wants for me to give it all to him to guard, consider, formulate, and arrange. What he requires is that I confide in Him. I need to trust that He has my best interests in His heart, that He knows better than me what I need, what I need to learn, what others need, and what I can provide to them.

This is especially important with romantic relationships. Because God knows my needs, strengths, and weaknesses better than I do; and He knows those of every woman also. And He knows better than E-Harmony or other websites who is the best for me and for whom I am best. But possibly most important of all, I need to trust Him with the daily and weekly interactions. It is difficult for me. Probably it is difficult for some of you as well. We like to manage what is most important to us, and this is extremely important to everyone.

Yesterday I read in ¨Grace for the Moment, Volume I¨ by Max Lucado, March 27, The Priority of God: ¨God is committed to supply our needs. Peter tells us that the man that doesn´t provide for his own is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Th 5:8) How much more will a holy God care for his children? After all, how can we complete his mission if our necessities aren´t covered? How can we teach, minister, or influence if our basic needs are not satisfied? Will God enlist us in his service and not provide what we need to do it? Of course not. ¨I request that the God of peace might give to you all what is necessary in order that you can do what He wishes.¨ Hebrews 13:20. Haven´t He received this prayer request in our life? Perhaps we haven´t had a feast, but haven´t we always had food? Perhaps you haven´t had a banquet, but at least you had bread. And much of the time you had a banquet.

And March 28, he ends finished concerning being children of God: ¨... more significant than whatever title or position, it is the simple fact that you are a child of God. And really we are children. By the way, if anything is important to you, it is also important to God.¨ It reminds me of the verse in Peter which says, ¨Throw all of your cares on Him because He care for you.¨ And His love for us is the reason that we can trust in Him totally.

Getting Close to God

What are the obstacles that prevent us getting close to God? I think that there are many. For instance, there are the impediments described by Jesus in the parable of the soils. These impediments to receiving the word are the same as those that prevent us relating with God: enthusiasm at the beginning, but stopped by disturbances and embarrassment, shame, strangled by worries and cares, tempted by our desires, passions and luxuries, we may never go to Him in order to be saved from ourselves - they can be so appetizing that we don´t have the will to run away, toward the arms of God, the ¨nailed hands¨ of Jesus. In short, we can consider that our pride, the delights and pleasures of life, fame, glory, and plain old popularity, money and fortune, a wish to be independent and to make our own decisions are the categories of obstacles that prevent us from coming to God. And if we don´t come to God, we don´t draw close to Him. As it says in Hebrews 11:6, ¨because it is necessary that he that draws near to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those that seek Him.¨

Behind this is the reason that we have made something else our God instead of Jesus Christ. There are many ways in which we worship other things. But the line below says that we are not believing that God is capable, or knows enough or the same as us, or that He has our best interests at heart (at least, not as well as we know our own interests.) And this lack of confidence contains the fear that He is not going to satisfy our desires and interests. Then we don´t trust God concerning the things that are most important to our hearts. Nevertheless, we get in-line in order to get that which seems more valuable. But rather God, Jesus, is more valuable.

Take the world, but give me Jesus! Why? Because if Jesus made it all (and He did), if Jesus know everything and exactly what we need (and He does), if Jesus has all of the power, He is all-powerful (and He is), if Jesus always does what is correct, good, just, and honest (and He does), and finally if Jesus loves us, with agape love (and He loves us totally, completely, without reservation)...

Then we can be sure that we are able to draw near to Him in confidence that He is going to pardon us when we confess our sins and mistakes, to receive us and accept us, to stay with us as the Holy Spirit who he gives to all of those who believe in Jesus, who is God in the flesh, the body, who was born and lived in the midst of us and our world, who told us the truth and did many healings and amazing miracles, was filled on a cross on our behalf, receiving in His body the penalty for our sins, and then was confirmed as God by the resurrection of His body from death.

Walking with God

I always liked the idea of walking with God like Enoch. I was enchanted by the story that he walked and talked with God and that he was so close to Him that the Lord carried him to heaven without him dying. As a boy I would want an intimacy with God like that. I wanted to be Enoch.

There is something in the beginning of the book, "Walking with God" by John Eldridge, that is similar to something that I just read in a brochure, "How to Believe" by Steve Brown at Key Life: "We assume that because we believe in God, and because He is love, that he is going to give us a happy life.... Notice your feelings of abandonment betraying / denying the faith when life doesn't turn out well. Notice that frequently you feel like God is not so close or involved, that he doesn't pay attention to your life." Steve says that frequently, we are trying to make Him notice .... Stephen says that frequently, we try to make deals with God like: I will trust you if you will give me a happy life, and healthy family, enough or a lot of money, a house of my own, children who behave well and don't end up using alcohol or drugs, a spouse that meets my needs - a happy marriage, or remaining in the U.S. without papers and without being discovered and returned to Mexico.

But, in any case, we need the Lord, intimacy with Him, His forgiveness, and life that only comes from Him. And as David said in Psalm 63: 3, 5: "Because your love is better than life, my lips shall praise you.... My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of banquets."

I have so much thirst: I thank Jesus Christ for Water, Food, and Life.

When I arrived at the ministry in Florence, I introduced myself as Evaristo, the name that I picked I learned Spanish in high school. As I was introducing myself, I thought that "Evaristo" is a Greek name - ευχαριστώ (pronounced ¨efaristó¨). It affected me a lot because in Greek, the word means "I thank" or "thank you". In fact, it is the same word used at times for the Lord's supper: in English, "the eucharist". Then, I valued more my name in Spanish because I know that it means "I thank". And as 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ concerning you all." So my name ought to remind me to be thankful to God.
So, the title of this blog means: Be thankful to Jesus Christ for giving us water, food, and life. In this way, the Scriptures refer to Isaiah 55, John 4, and John 7, where we see the picture of grace and mercy as God gives us food and water liberally, without cost.

Also, the address of the blog on the internet is "¨ which means that I have a lot of thirst for God and that he provides it to me. In fact, all people have so much thirst for a relationship with God, but not every person feels the thirst as 'thirst for God'. Rather we usually hunt with the aim of filling the emptiness with other things and other relationships. But with or without the other relationships, we need a personal relationship with God in order to fill our void. On the other hand, it also means that God offers to each and every person of the world pardon, eternal life, love as in being known, understood, and accepted totally and completely, and being filled in the empty places in our souls.

I hope that you are encouraged by this blog and that it may be a help to your life and your relationship with God.

Howard Greene